Single-phase Vibrator
Single-phase Vibrator
Strong Vibration using a Household Power Supply Plenty of Power from a 100-V Electrical Outlet.Power Unrivaled by Even by Astro Boy

A strong vibrating force is generated using the same power supply and electric power as that used for an incandescent light bulb.

Single-phase Vibrators can be used in applications outside the factory, such as in shops or restaurants. They have been used in snack food stands, pig farms, and laboratories.

  1. Small size but durable (long service life) with high power.
  2. Smooth starting with a capacitor.
Standard Specifications
Power supply 100/100/110V   50/60/60Hz
Synchronous revolutions 3,600r/min (60Hz vibration) for power supply frequency of 60Hz
3,000r/min (50Hz vibration) for power supply frequency of 50Hz
SEE Vibrators
Model Maximum vibrating force(kN) Output (kW) Capacitor
SEE-0.1-2 *0.1/0.15 15 Built-in capacitor
SEE-0.5-2CW 0.5 30
SEE-1-2BW 1 65
SEE-2-2BW 2 120 Capacitor starter
SEE-3.5-2BW 3.5 220
*The SEE-0.1-2 has a maximum vibrating force of 0.1kN with a power supply frequency of 50Hz.
The maximum vibrating force is 0.15kN at 60Hz.
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